DINAcon Awards Projekte 2021

Wir freuen uns darüber, Ihnen unsere Shortlist von je 3 Projekten in den 4 Kategorien vorstellen zu dürfen:

18.08.2021 06:40
Verkehrsdaten ASTRA
»Open-Data« Award
We started our project as part of the Open Data lecture at the University of Bern. With the data set about the traffic counters of Switzerland, which was provided to…
18.08.2021 06:39
Grossratswahlen im Kanton Basel-Stadt: Statistik der veränderten Wahllisten
»Open-Data« Award
Da es in der Schweiz bisher kaum Visualisierungen zu Stimmen veränderter Wahlzettel gab, entschloss ich mich in Zusammenarbeit mit der Fachstelle für Open Government Data des Kantons Basel-Stadt, eine solche…
12.08.2021 08:20
Gesellschaftsmonitoring COVID-19
»Open-Government« Award
With the aim of grasping the effects of the Corona crisis on society from the outset, the Statistical Office of the Canton of Zurich, together with other administrative offices and…
12.08.2021 08:03
»Open-Community« Award
GNU/Linux.ch hat vor einem Jahr die Nachfolge von Prolinux.de angetreten und seitdem viel erreicht. Unsere Redaktion umfasst 30 Personen, die jeden Tag von und für die Community schreiben. Damit sind…
11.08.2021 14:19
Digitale Transparenz im öffentlichen Raum
»Open-Government« Award
The city of Zurich is testing in a pilot trial how it can make the collection of data in public spaces more visible. Specifically, this is being done by labeling…
09.08.2021 16:43
»Best-Newcomer« Award
With growing technical landscapes and the rise of cloud providers many companies face a complex and diversified infrastructure and application setup. Managing multiple identities within IT systems for a single…
09.08.2021 16:43
SmapShot and an open API for georeferenced images
»Open-Data« Award
sMapShot is a participative time machine and a virtual globe created from historic photographs. Volunteers help finding the exact position of the photographs in 3D using a virtual globe. These…
09.08.2021 10:03
»Open-Government« Award
With swissgeol.ch, swisstopo has developed a specialist portal for federal subsurface data that is primarily aimed at specialists from the fields of geosciences, engineering, environmental sciences and architecture and similar…
06.08.2021 08:01
GeoUnconference Event Series
»Open-Community« Award
Wir konzipieren und organisieren eine Serie von 2 (bereits finanziert) bis 4 Unconference-Veranstaltungen (GeoUnconferences), an denen Verbesserungen für die Nationale Geodateninfrastruktur (NGDI) aus Nutzendenperspektive von Personen, die täglich mit ihr…
06.08.2021 08:00
Posmo Positive Mobility
»Best-Newcomer« Award
Posmo is Switzerland’s first data cooperative for mobility data. Posmo is building a data market that allows interested purchasers to access a pool of mobility data which is created and…
06.08.2021 07:59
»Best-Newcomer« Award
dfour (formerly Gemeindescan/Spatial Data Package Platform) is a collaborative web-based GIS platform that consolidates planning documents, data-driven analyses and participation results in one place. It enables stakeholders to collaborate on…
30.07.2021 09:15
»Open-Community« Award
FairElection (www.fairelection.ch) supports you in electing a representative group of people that reflect the diversity of your organization. First, you define what “representative” means: for example, the elected group should…

Alle Bewerbungen

Dies sind alle Bewerbungen der DINAcon Awards 2021:

23.08.2021 08:26
»Open-Government« Award
As part of the LINDAS (Linked Data Service) ecosystem , Visualize (www.visualize.admin.ch) is a web-based application that allows in a few steps (1. select a dataset, 2. edit the visualization,…
18.08.2021 06:40
Verkehrsdaten ASTRA
»Open-Data« Award
We started our project as part of the Open Data lecture at the University of Bern. With the data set about the traffic counters of Switzerland, which was provided to…
18.08.2021 06:39
Entwicklungskennzahlen für nachhaltige Investitionen
»Open-Data« Award
Our application was created as part of the course Open Data at the University of Bern. Together with Adrian Sameli from elea we envisioned different ideas to program a simple,…
18.08.2021 06:39
Grossratswahlen im Kanton Basel-Stadt: Statistik der veränderten Wahllisten
»Open-Data« Award
Da es in der Schweiz bisher kaum Visualisierungen zu Stimmen veränderter Wahlzettel gab, entschloss ich mich in Zusammenarbeit mit der Fachstelle für Open Government Data des Kantons Basel-Stadt, eine solche…
17.08.2021 20:56
»Open-Learning« Award
Der Lernstick ist eine mobile und sichere Lern- und Arbeitsumgebung für die Schule und daheim, die auf externen Speichermedien (z. B. USB-Sticks, USB-Festplatten, SD-Karten, ...) installiert werden kann, so dass…
12.08.2021 08:20
Gesellschaftsmonitoring COVID-19
»Open-Government« Award
With the aim of grasping the effects of the Corona crisis on society from the outset, the Statistical Office of the Canton of Zurich, together with other administrative offices and…
12.08.2021 08:03
»Open-Community« Award
GNU/Linux.ch hat vor einem Jahr die Nachfolge von Prolinux.de angetreten und seitdem viel erreicht. Unsere Redaktion umfasst 30 Personen, die jeden Tag von und für die Community schreiben. Damit sind…
11.08.2021 14:19
Digitale Transparenz im öffentlichen Raum
»Open-Government« Award
The city of Zurich is testing in a pilot trial how it can make the collection of data in public spaces more visible. Specifically, this is being done by labeling…
09.08.2021 16:43
»Best-Newcomer« Award
With growing technical landscapes and the rise of cloud providers many companies face a complex and diversified infrastructure and application setup. Managing multiple identities within IT systems for a single…
09.08.2021 16:43
»Open-Business« Award
Streamr is an open-source software project building decentralized infrastructure for real-time data. The goal is to enable data to be transported, shared, and monetized securely and scalably without intermediaries. The…
09.08.2021 16:43
SmapShot and an open API for georeferenced images
»Open-Data« Award
sMapShot is a participative time machine and a virtual globe created from historic photographs. Volunteers help finding the exact position of the photographs in 3D using a virtual globe. These…
09.08.2021 10:03
»Open-Government« Award
With swissgeol.ch, swisstopo has developed a specialist portal for federal subsurface data that is primarily aimed at specialists from the fields of geosciences, engineering, environmental sciences and architecture and similar…
09.08.2021 10:00
Die Gute Minute
»Open-Community« Award
Our goal is to offer our readers a positive perspective on a future that is fit for grandchildren, the environment, people and animals. Instead of raising fear with the negative…
06.08.2021 08:01
Open Journey Planner Demo App
»Open-Government« Award
OJP Demo App is a web-based application that demonstrates and implements the capabilities of the Open Journey Planner(OJP) APIs to support distributed journey planning according to the European (CEN) Technical…
06.08.2021 08:01
GeoUnconference Event Series
»Open-Community« Award
Wir konzipieren und organisieren eine Serie von 2 (bereits finanziert) bis 4 Unconference-Veranstaltungen (GeoUnconferences), an denen Verbesserungen für die Nationale Geodateninfrastruktur (NGDI) aus Nutzendenperspektive von Personen, die täglich mit ihr…
06.08.2021 08:00
CH+ Games for Democracy
»Open-Government« Award
PROJEKT CH+ is a Co-design based initiative which uses game mechanics to make political self-education more inviting for young or inexperienced voters. With voters, political experts and game designers, we…
06.08.2021 08:00
Posmo Positive Mobility
»Best-Newcomer« Award
Posmo is Switzerland’s first data cooperative for mobility data. Posmo is building a data market that allows interested purchasers to access a pool of mobility data which is created and…
06.08.2021 07:59
Kontinuierliche UX Qualität dank FLUX
»Open-Business« Award
Eine User Experience (kurz UX) ist immer abhängig von ihrem Kontext und den Menschen, die sie erleben (Nutzer). Diese Faktoren (z.B. Umwelt, Gesellschaft, Technologien) verändern sich fortlaufend (Panta Rhei) und…
06.08.2021 07:59
»Best-Newcomer« Award
dfour (formerly Gemeindescan/Spatial Data Package Platform) is a collaborative web-based GIS platform that consolidates planning documents, data-driven analyses and participation results in one place. It enables stakeholders to collaborate on…
06.08.2021 07:58
»Open-Government« Award
nosca (in= innovation , os= open source, ca= canton) is the association of the cantons of Uri, Schwyz, Solothurn and Bern. Together we are pursuing the goal of standardising electronic…
30.07.2021 09:15
»Open-Community« Award
FairElection (www.fairelection.ch) supports you in electing a representative group of people that reflect the diversity of your organization. First, you define what “representative” means: for example, the elected group should…
23.07.2021 10:07
»Open-Learning« Award
We (RalphStraumann/David Oesch) created a Github Action based bot that creates imagery-based map excerpts within a spatially bounded region. The bot then broadcasts these map excerpts, inviting users to venture…