DINAcon Awards Nominee
CH+ Games for Democracy
Project Category: »Open-Government« Award
PROJEKT CH+ is a Co-design based initiative which uses game mechanics to make political self-education more inviting for young or inexperienced voters. With voters, political experts and game designers, we create voting aid apps. Until the next Federal Elections in 2023, we co-create voting tools that are useful and engaging. During cantonal project rounds, people can participate in interviews, brainstormings, feedback and testing sessions. We currently have two concepts: The usability focussed CH+App and the entertainment focussed DOPE Elections. After iterations in Uri, Basel Stadt and Neuchatel we are on the way to Fribourg, where we rework and compare the two apps. In 2019, CH+ started during the project managers Game Design master's at the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK), where PROJEKT CH+ is now continued as a Design Research project. CH+ is part of the First Ventures programme of the Gebert Rüf Foundation. We are a young team of 3 part-time developers and two mentors.
Why should this Project win a DINAcon Award?
Gamification and creating an OSS tool to make Swiss voting more accessible