DINAcon Awards Nominee


Project Category: »Open-Government« Award


Emmanuel Belo

With swissgeol.ch, swisstopo has developed a specialist portal for federal subsurface data that is primarily aimed at specialists from the fields of geosciences, engineering, environmental sciences and architecture and similar sectors. Now the first version is available for BETA testing: https://beta.swissgeol.ch swissgeol.ch is a supplement to the proven federal geodata portal "map.geo.admin.ch" and is linked to it. It offers the following quality features: * Standard product: the basis is "cesiumJS", the application can be used in the browser without additional plugins. * Standards: Data is integrated using the OGC standard "3DTiles", regardless of format, software and subject. * Services: Data will be integrated into the application as services in the future. They will be standardized, reusable and can be used regardless of location. * Open source: The source code is freely available and can be reused and/or further developed by third parties.


Why should this Project win a DINAcon Award?

This project is a pionner in proposing an open source platform to visualize geological data in 3D at the Swiss level. It contributed to new open source development and is gaining interest as an open source solution in other countries. It allowed the Swiss confederation to build upon existing technologies (CesiumJS) already in use for the Swiss federal geoportal map.geo.admin.ch. Geological data is available in this project as a platform, where users can visualize, analyse and upload their own data to get the most comprehensive and uptodate insights about underground data.