DINAcon Awards categories
Every year, the DINAcon Awards recognize projects and organizations (companies, authorities, communities, ...) that take on a role model function in the interests of digital sustainability.
This year the DINAcon Awards will be presented for the fifth time in the following 6 categories.
"Open Data" Award
The "Open Data" DINAcon Award honors projects that have an impact, radiating into business, politics or society and stand out through the open use, transformation or sharing of data.
"Open Business" Award
The "Business" DINAcon Award is given to Projects withbusiness models that have digitally sustainable aspects firmly anchored in them. .
"Open Government" Award
With the "Open Government" DINAcon Award, we reward the particularly exemplary implementation of principles in the sense of digital sustainability in the public sector.
"Best Newcomer" Award
In the "Best Newcomer" DINAcon Award category, projects that werelaunched recently (last 3 yeards) and show innovative, new approaches are honored.
"Open Community" Award
With the "Open Community" DINAcon Award we reward broadly-based and participatory projects that contribute to decentralized innovation and digital sustainability with their commitment.
"Open-Learning" Award
The "Open-Learning" DINAcon Award honors projects that have made it their mission to create an open educational offer for the general public or to make knowledge widely accessible.