DINAcon Awards Nominee
Project Category: »Open-Government« Award
As part of the LINDAS (Linked Data Service) ecosystem , Visualize (www.visualize.admin.ch) is a web-based application that allows in a few steps (1. select a dataset, 2. edit the visualization, 3. share or embed) to build and publish visualizations of data stored as Linked Data in the triplestore of LINDAS. The visualizations can be shared via links or embedded in web pages. Everytime the visualization is drawn, the unterlying code is executed and current data from LINDAS is used to build an updated visualization. The objective of Visualize is to offer a user-friendly and intuitive tool to build visualization with no knowledge of Linked Data. Visualize is being developed by the Federal Office for the Environment (www.bafu.admin.ch).
Why should this Project win a DINAcon Award?
Cette solution permet aux administrations de produire des graphiques sur la base de données converties préalablement en Linked Data et publiées sur LINDAS. Il s'agit donc d'un outil de valorisation de données ouvertes qui ne nécessite aucune connaissance particulière de LD mais qui permet de repenser et simplifier la manière de produire des rapports annuels digitaux. Cette solution donne un sens immédiat et tangible au travail de conversion de données en LD.