DINAcon Awards Nominee


Project Category: #4 Open Data


Matthew Moy de Vitry

Water-fountains.org is an open source project and website where you can find and view all kinds of information about drinking water fountains in Zurich and other cities. You can view pictures of the fountains, learn about their history, find directions, and even search for fountains that have a drinking bowl for your dog!

The information displayed is extracted and automatically merged from Open Data sources (OpenStreetMap, Wikidata, Wikimedia Commons, and Wikipedia). The website thus provides complete, comprehensive and sustainable information maintained by the community. We plan to extend the website information like water quality and water flow, which are especially (but not only!) important in developing countries.

The water-fountains website also contributes back to the Open Data sources by highlighting missing information and explaining to the users how to contribute the information directly in the underlying data sources.


Why should this Project win a DINAcon Award?

  • Did you know there are over one thousand drinking water fountains in Zurich? Water-fountains.org reduces plastic waste by guiding you to the nearest drinking fountain.
  • Did you know that the Lindenhof fountain in Zurich has a statue dedicated to the women who defended the city from Germans in 1292? Water-fountains.org makes local culture accessible by showcasing historic and significant fountains.
  • How do you motivate a 9-year-old to start contributing to Wikidata? Water-fountains.org encourages growth of the open data community by engaging and educating users, and rendering their contributions immediately visible within the application.